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Old Panther Creek Trio VIP

Old Panther Creek Trio VIP

Regular price $38.99 USD
Regular price $41.97 USD Sale price $38.99 USD
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Try out the bold flavors of Kentucky Rebel Scum but without the extreme heat. 

The Old Panther Creek Trio contains KRS Original, Blackberry Skirmish and Hot Sorghum, but NO Green River Ghost.

On September 19, 1862, Confederate forces occupied Owensboro, Kentucky. Federal troops at old Fairground refused their demand for surrender. A skirmish followed. Union soldiers swam the Ohio River to summon help from the Indiana Legion. The Rebel troops retired to Panther Creek. Home Guards from Indiana crossed the river and attacked the next day. The Confederate forces retreated with 36 killed, 70 wounded and the Federal losses were 3 killed and 35 wounded.

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